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The Road to ‘Op: Balaur’ a Milsim Story
Unlike the title may suggest this isn’t an epic story told by truth sayers and Bards but more a break down of our prep for the Milsim coming up at the end of the month.
Mission: Situated at Longmoor Training camp down south the event has been put to 36hr and involves sleeping in game which means you get bumped at night. We have a basic staging area in the woods near the village and if we wish to sleep in doors we must take and hold buildings to do so.
We, of course, chose Opfor as bad guys have the most fun and set to planning kit, roles and how much pyro was too much pyro.
The Site: Longmoor is a mixture of a small ‘town’ surrounded by woodland and open space a good mix of everything would be a good description. Also, they have burnt out tanks and vehicles scattered.
The Gear: After some changes and suggestions from the group going, we decided upon Pakol hat (wool hats in August is a terrible idea)/boonie, tiger stripe BDU’s or similar and black pants with rigs/belts being a mix of black and green as the rules stated for the event.

The Gats: The game doesn’t have many restrictions other than the standard mid-low caps and to make sure the the rif being used has a real-world variant so the newer paintball style rifs or pistols with box mags wouldn’t be allowed. Most of the guys really like gas guns and with this game being single shot only unless an LMG then you can field low cap gas guns and not field outgunned by weight of shots.

Martyn: Tokyo Marui MWS (M4) with a Gen 4 Tokyo Marui Glock
Dan: Tokyo Marui AKX with no side arm
Gaz: Tokyo Marui AKM with a Tokyo Marui HK45
James: Tokyo Marui MWS M4 and Kwa scorpion as sidearm
Adam: Tokyo Marui SD6 with a Tokyo Marui Glock
Dolan: VFC M723 with a Guarder G17 Gen 4
Dayle: Tokyo Marui Skar with Tokyo Marui FNX Side arm
Jack: Systema PTW with Tokyo Marui MK23 sidearm
Josh: Tokyo Marui AKX with Tokyo Marui M&P9

The rules at this event state every squad can have an LMG, DMR, Sniper out as they play but they are limited to 1 sniper or DMR AND 1 lmg.
LMG: After the last event we attended we will again be using the PKM as our LMG as it goes over the minimum weight all LMGs must adhere to at these events.
Sniper: a few option were taken last time but (again) Dan’s Noveritch sniper folds down and can be chucked over the shoulder so we tended to stick with that and will probably do this again.
A mortar is also allowed and Dan has decided he will be having fun with this at this event.
Sleeping Arrangements: So this one is a little different, we’ve all optioned for Bashas or really small basha like tents (snugpak make a good one) and we will be required to pack them away when not sleeping in them. Then if we capture a building we can use this on the next night. Most of us have had to pick up a new sleeping kit for this one and the plan is to give them all a go at the sleep over this Saturday after the Gas/Low cap game!
The Truck: We’ve been given the go ahead to take the truck with us so we’ll getting around the site a little quicker.
First Aid: There are first aiders at the event but we always take our own gear and have a few advanced first aiders involved in most events we go to help should anything go awry.
…….we’re all excited as is always the case leading up to a milsim and the first real test is this Saturday at the gas gun/low cap game.
We have recently been asked loads about milsim/away days we attend and working on team tactics/squads/best practice is something I think we all enjoy.
Things like the Gas gun/Low cap games tend to bring the crowd looking for of a milsim feel so if you want to discuss or ask questions these are the ones to get too.
We also Run RAID days which are a taster into longer games and more immersive modes that last hours at a time.
Finally, we are looking to hold milsim prep evenings to go through gear, tactics and start to build more squads so watch this space!